Poseidon Nickel Ltd (ASX:POS, OTC:PSDNF) has forged new paths for gold exploration at its Black Swan and Lake Johnston projects in Western Australia, defining a geological setting favourable for gold at the former and a felsic intrusive copper-gold system at the latter.

Chemical technologies firm Draslovka announced Tuesday that its subsidiary Encore Minerals has entered into an agreement with Poseidon Nickel (ASX: POS) to retreat and monetize gold and nickel tailings in Western Australia.

Poseidon Nickel Ltd (ASX:POS, OTC:PSDNF) is seeking to raise up to A$3.7 million via a pro-rata non-renounceable rights issue to fund the completion of soil sampling on numerous high prospective gold exploration targets at the Windarra, Lake Johnston and Black Swan projects in WA.

Poseidon Nickel Ltd (ASX:POS, OTC:PSDNF) has entered an agreement with Encore Minerals to develop the gold and nickel tailings at the Windarra Tailings Project in Western Australia using Draslovka’s proprietary glycine leaching technology (GLT). 

Poseidon Nickel has announced hopeful results from its gold exploration, pivoting its focus on producing the commodity after a terminated deal with Mineral Resources.

The West Perth-based company today announced rock chip samples at its Windarra prospect confirmed gold mineralisation.

Poseidon Nickel Ltd (ASX:POS, OTC:PSDNF) continues to demonstrate the greenfields potential of its Windarra, Lake Johnston and Black Swan projects in Western Australia outside of their nickel resources with ongoing exploration highlighting gold prospectivity.

Since taking over the reins of Poseidon Nickel, Peter Harold has been steadily working towards restarting mining production. Here, Peter addresses recent setbacks to restarting as outlined in the ASX announcmenet of July 17, 2023.

Click here to read the ASX Announcement dated 17 July 2023, "Black Swan Update & Exploration Plans"

Poseidon Nickel is higher after uncovering greenfield nickel intersections during reconnaissance drilling targeting the newly-identified Western Ultramafic Unit (WUU) at its Lake Johnston project in Western Australia.

Read Proactive Investors Article here

Poseidon Nickel (ASX: POS “the Company”) is pleased to present the recording of the webcast held on the 19th July 2023, where management presented its latest corporate presentation and shareholders were briefed on information presented in ASX Announcement, ‘Black Swan Update & Exploration Plans’ dated 17 July 2023.

View recording

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